Electric Power Generators
We specialize in providing product and manufacturer reviews of (and access to) the highest quality electric power generation equipment available.
Here you will find portable generators, standby generators, backup generators, home portable generators,
camping generators, RV generators, marine generators and industrial generators. Our complete review of
available electric generator equipment is online to help you find the equipment and services that you need. We
review all of the top generator brands and bring a summary of that information to you in one convenient place. Look over our
pages before you buy to become familiar with each brand. We help you make an informed generator purchase decision.
Home Standby / Backup Generators
Home standby generators, sometimes called "home backup generators", are
generator units that are permanently installed outside a residential dwelling
and are generally powered by either natural gas or propane gas. These units
are designed to provide all (or partial) electric power to a home when the utility
power fails and come in several sizes and options.
Several manufacturers provide home standby generators, such as: Generac, Guardian,
Onan, Katolight, Coleman, ..(and others)... [Read More]
Portable Generators
Portable generators are generator units that are designed to be moved from
place to place and come in many sizes and power output ratings. This category includes
any unit that is movable, from the handheld "ultralite" generators to units mounted on a "cart"
that can be wheeled around a garage or jobsite. Although larger high capacity generators can
be considered "portable" (when mounted on a trailer), we have included those in the industrial
category since they generally are used in a non-residential application. Further we consider the portable generator category to be
broken into (at least) two major categories; homeowner portable, and contractor / jobsite portable. These categories are may be
further broken down with respect to either the engine type (air cooled or liquid cooled) and/or fuel type.
.... [Read More]
RV Generators
RV generators are special units designed to be mounted on a road vehicle, (RV, camper, bus, truck, etc).
These units are very compact and generally run on propane, gasoline, or diesel fuel. [Read More]
Marine Generators
Marine generators are specially designed to provide power for boating applications. These units
are generally highly compact, have special cooling and exhaust systems, and designed to operate in a wet "marine" environment.
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Industrial Generators
This category of generators includes the largest and most powerful units. These
units are capable of providing standby and / or primary power for large facilities or projects.
Industrial generators are usually permanently installed, although they can be trailer-mounted for
use at outdoor events or as temporary power for large projects. ......[Read More]