Industrial Electric Generators
High wattage scaleable electric generator sets for business and industry
Industrial electric power generators have been, and still are, the backbone of the electric generator industry. Industrial
generators are large generator sets that are capable of high wattage output. These generators are almost always driven by a diesel
engine (although natural gas is used) and are used to power industrial plants, hospitals, and even small towns. Industrial
generator sets can be scaled to almost any load requirement needed by simply combining as many generators as needed to meet
the requirement. In fact, in many countries these generator sets are the primary source of electrical power. Industrial generators
are produced by some of the largest and oldest industrial equipment manufacturers in the US. These generator manufacturers can
custom engineer a solution to meet the needs of customers around the world. Many of these units are built into large semi-trailer
(or container) sized enclosuers that are easily transported to their destination. Additionally, these generator sets (skid mounted)
can be installed inside a building to create a backup / standby power supply for data centers, call centers, or other industries
that cannot tolerate power outages.
Take a look at the brand names in the list on the left and review their offerings in this category. If you believe you have need
for such a large generator contact the manufacturer of your choice ahd they will help you design a custom solution to meet your